FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -The World’s Leading Food Processing Expo

FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -世界最大规模的食品制造综合展览会

  • 5L-31
  • Exportation


Booth Highlights

We offer products for the food industry that are designed and managed using the same quality standards as clean room wear for semiconductor and liquid crystal factories, and have excellent low dust generation properties. Measures to prevent hair fall, safety measures, environmental measures, and related products. Continuing from last year, we are planning to display beautiful caps, wear with integrated hoods, and other new products. As a HACCP compliant product, it is expected to be easier to put on and improve the feeling of wearing it, as well as prevent hair fall. We also handle consumables such as nitrile gloves, disposable masks, adhesive rollers, and adhesive mats.

Other Exhibits

・CZ180 continuous clothing with integrated hood  ・G8109 chemical-resistant arm cover  ・G7120 transparent pouch  ・G7146 waist belt (3cm width)  ・GS1604 head protector

About us

Main Company Products, Technologies, Services, etc.
We have our own laboratory and planning office. New product development and comparative evaluation tests can be performed by conducting dust generation tests and tests that visualize the appearance of foreign substances. In addition to standard products, we can also provide custom-made products. In addition to overseas factories, we can also handle production at our own domestic factories. <Products handled> Clean suits, clean wear, HACCP compatible wear, hoods, hats, sanitary caps, inner hoods, hair caps, products related to hair fall prevention, safety products, head protectors, arm covers, clean bags, transparent Waist pouches, hoods and masks with glass shields, etc.
For SDGs
19-47 Daimoncho, Kazo City, Saitama Prefecture 347-0068
  • TEL: +81-480-62-7700
  • FAX: +81-480-62-7007
  • E-mail:
  • Inquiry:
Countries and Regions Available for Export
China, Taiwan, South Korea, North America, Europe, Oceania