FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -The World’s Leading Food Processing Expo

FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -世界最大规模的食品制造综合展览会

  • Product Movies

Jet Cook™ technology provides fast, flexible and efficient liquid food, beverage and wet pet food processing solutions that leverage high-performance steam technology to power your manufacturing business.

  • Food Manufacturing,Processing,and Preparation ◎ Deli and Prepared Foods
    • Hot blenders
  • Food Manufacturing,Processing,and Preparation ◎ Other
    • Components for food equipment
  • Equipment and Components
    • Food-preparation utensils

Overview of Products, Technologies, and Services

This system significantly reduces processing time and kettle cleaning requirements without compromising quality or flavor. Jet Cook™ is a breakthrough fluid handling solution that provides high performance homogenization, emulsification, entrain, pumping and heating.
Prolonged heating and cooking can destroy essential minerals and vitamins, but Jet Cook™'s rapid heating preserves their properties. In addition, the fast heating speed quickly inactivates harmful enzymes (such as oxidases and lipases found in fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats) that cause flavor, odor, and discoloration.

Product Features

  • Reduced cooking and processing time - more than 50% in normal use
  • Approximately 52% energy savings - compared to traditional cooking methods
  • Improved product quality and particulate integrity - rapid heating and mixing/reduced heat effects/no moving parts
  • Reduced processing steps - mixing, heating, pressure feeding, and homogenization are completed at the same time
  • Reduced batch contamination Reduced cleaning and chemicals - no moving parts or burn-in contamination