FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -The World’s Leading Food Processing Expo

FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -世界最大规模的食品制造综合展览会


Fully automatic mincing line [MP-117 line]

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Fully automatic mincing and overlaying machine line that brings significant labor savings

  • Food Manufacturing,Processing,and Preparation ◎ Meats and Seafood
    • Choppers
    • Automated meat-processing lines

Overview of Products, Technologies, and Services

1.FMG-307P: Frozen block meat is transported by a lifter and cut into flakes. After mixing, it is processed to a coarse ground state.
2. Coarsely ground minced meat is lifted and conveyed by VC-301AV and supplied to TC-093.
3. The supplied coarsely ground minced meat is finished and ground with TC-093, and the finished minced meat is supplied to MP-117.
4. The minced meat is cut into predetermined lengths by the MP-117 and automatically placed on trays.

Product Features

  • A single worker can handle the process of adding blocks of meat, mixing, and coarsely grinding.
  • It is possible to inspect coarsely minced meat for the presence or absence of foreign substances attached to vinyl pieces by incorporating a mince inspector (new product). When a foreign object is detected, both upstream and downstream operations are stopped.
  • When the remaining amount of meat in the tub of the finish mincing twin chopper (TC-093) is low, it is detected by a sensor and the conveyor VC-301AV automatically supplies coarsely ground minced meat.
  • In the finishing grinding process, tray supply and arrangement are automated by MP-117, and downstream operations such as pricing and tray replenishment can be handled simultaneously.
  • When changing items, just by selecting a pre-registered menu, the tray guide and discharge volume are automatically changed, shortening the time required for adjustments, etc.