FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -The World’s Leading Food Processing Expo

FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -世界最大规模的食品制造综合展览会


Boiled egg automatic counting machine

  • Product Movies

It is a boiled egg counter where all quantities can be set. If the quantity is insufficient, we will automatically replenish it.

  • Packaging and Filling
    • Counters
    • Liquid fillers
    • Filling equipment
    • Filler packaging

Overview of Products, Technologies, and Services

The machine consists of two conveyor lines. If the quantity is insufficient, we will replenish it with a conveyor dedicated to 1 piece. There is no quantity mistake because it is calculated by PLC (sequence control). There are two types: the packaging machine interlocking type and the bucket loading type. Three types of (2 + 1) (5 + 1) (9 + 1) are available according to the capacity.

Product Features

  • There are two types of this machine: the packaging machine interlocking type and the bucket input type. We will prepare according to the customer's application.
  • After ordering, we will change the size according to the height of the customer's packaging machine. We will also change the size of the bucket input type to match the height of the worker.
  • The conveyor bar of this machine is made only of stainless steel pipes and round bars. Since the pipe bar has no flat surface, it is difficult for dirt to adhere to it, and since it leaves no egg residue, it is easy to clean.