FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -The World’s Leading Food Processing Expo

FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -世界最大规模的食品制造综合展览会


Bread slicer for 3 loaves of bread for food factories

  • Performances

Round blade slicer for 3 loaves of bread.

  • Food Manufacturing,Processing,and Preparation ◎ Baked Goods and Confectionery
    • Slicers

Overview of Products, Technologies, and Services

Round blade slicer for 3 loaves of bread.
Maintainability and safety improved compared to conventional model, and achieved stable production.

*Actual machine demonstrations will be held at anytime.
Please feel free to ask us.

Product Features

  • ・Standard cut thickness setting: 9mm to 15mm, thickness can be selected in 1mm increments
  • ・Maximum pay out number setting 5000 slices/1h
  • ・Suitable for both with or without bread crust
  • ・ Pay out number can be selected from 4, 3, or 2 slices. Others such as 4 slices - 2 slices, 3 slices - 2 slices can be also supported according to post-process.
  • ・Equipped with an optional remote monitoring system to monitor torque abnormalities, sensor malfunctions, etc.