FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -The World’s Leading Food Processing Expo

FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -世界最大规模的食品制造综合展览会


Ultrasonic Half Cut Machine HC-200

  • Performances

Ultrasonic Half Cut Machine HC-200
Ultrasonic cutting machine that can cut a variety of items from sandwiches to small tarts.

  • Food Manufacturing,Processing,and Preparation ◎ Baked Goods and Confectionery
    • Cutters

Overview of Products, Technologies, and Services

Multi-cutting machine that can handle from sandwiches to whole cakes size under 6 and tarts.
Space-saving, easy-to-operate machine that is ideal for unmanned cutting.

*Actual machine demonstrations will be held at anytime.
Please feel free to ask us.

Product Features

  • ・Image recognition obtains the top of the sandwich and the center of the tart. Automatically corrects and cut.
  • ・Easy to insert by "approximately" aligning on the laser marker of inlet.
  • ・Variety of cuts are possible including triangular cuts, cross cuts, and strip cuts.
  • ・Up to 1250 cuts/1 hour, 2500 meals can be cut. *Depends on cutting conditions